Texas (Austin - Round Rock) Team Brock

CONTACT: Melissa & James Fleming
LOCATION: Round Rock, TX 78665
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: Melissa 512-560-9684 | James 512-497-4439
FAX: 513-326-3852
Sign-up For Email Updates
Team Brock
The Texas (Austin - Round Rock) Chapter of The Cure Starts Now, or Team Brock, was started by James & Melissa Fleming in honor of their son, Brock Fleming, and also honors Katelyn Chatron, Alexis Reinders, and Parker Hamilton.
Brock Hunter Fleming
Brock was a super adorable active 7-year-old. He loved swimming, soccer, and building Legos. His favorite subject was math, and he was the sweetest little Cub Scout you would ever meet. He also loved being a brother to his older sister, Jenna.
He was walking his dog with Jenna and his Daddy on May 4, 2016 when he fell and hit his forehead. His parents thought they would be treating him for a concussion and instead were told he had DIPG; an inoperable brain tumor that would leave him with only 9 months to live. Overnight, Brock was not able to walk, drink, or talk. He was determined to get back to running and playing soccer again and did after 6 weeks. He fought courageously for 7 months and did not want to leave his family on December 10, 2016.
During his battle, he didn't understand why his body was doing this to him, why he was the only second grader with cancer in his head, and why the Doctors couldn't fix him. He never complained and wanted to "Kick Cancer in the Nuts!"
Melissa, James, Jenna, and Blair are determined to raise money to find a cure and create awareness of this deadly disease. Our kids deserve better!
Katelyn Spann Chatron
Kate was a gift - little sister to all the bigs, a determined, funny, sly smiling soccer player who battled DIPG for 17 months. She left this world to be in heaven on September 26, 2000 at 11 years old. Her loves were playing school - teacher of dolls and grading papers; American Girl dolls - dressing them up; Sorry! and Guess Who?. She was a fierce competitor who hated losing. She loved her friends - laughing and practical jokes with them; family -being with them at home to watch Supermarket Sweep & Shop Til You Drop! Kate was all this and more. Today her spirit lives on - always in our hearts.
Alexis Reinders
Alexis was a very kind and funny girl. She always made friends easily. Her teachers always commented on how sweet she was towards other children. She loved princesses, JoJo Siwa, going to the beach, attending church and dancing.
Alexis seemed completely healthy. Then, one day she had dizziness, balance issues and gait. Her dance Teacher in class noticed Alexis almost fell a few times, having trouble with her routine dance steps, and feeling dizzy. She was also walking very abnormally. Her Mom took Alexis to urgent care. They instructed her to go to Dell Children's Hospital immediately where a CT Scan showed there was something in her brain. Alexis was immediately admitted to the hospital. The next day an MRI confirmed her parent's worst nightmare. An inoperable tumor called DIPG, a term her parents never heard before.
Alexis received the standard 6 weeks of radiation and participated in the ONC201 trial. When an MRI showed her tumor was in progression and had metastasized, she was withdrawn from the trial. Alexis went through another 20 rounds of radiation giving her a few more months of time to create memories with her parents and older Sister, Chloe. She battled a full year, July 16, 2019 to July 16,2020.
During her short 7 years on Earth Alexis positively impacted many people. Her light continues to shine down from heaven.
Parker Hamilton
Parker is the baby of our family and was always an absolute joy to be around. She had the most infectious smile and the greatest sense of humor that would bring light to anyone around her.
She was 15 months old when she was diagnosed with Pineoblastoma and she battled for 2.5 years. Even during her battle, she was always happy. She was always up for an adventure and went on many vacations. She especially loved visiting Disney World, Disneyland and Kalahari. Parker enjoyed cooking in her kitchen, going to the park and playing playdoh. She was a girly girl and loved painting her nails, jewelry, and shopping with her big sisters. Parker had a wonderful sense of humor and really enjoyed picking on her daddy and grandpa at every opportunity. She was always so sweet, telling her family often she loved everyone and giving kisses.
Stephen, Kelly, Haley and Kaitlyn will continue to work to find a cure in Parker's memory. We will always "love you more", Parker.
Texas (Austin - Round Rock) Team Brock Chapter Events

Round Rock, Texas 78664
Get your clubs ready! Join us for the 9th annual Team Brock Golf Fore a Cure tournament at Forest Creek Golf Club in Round Rock, TX in honor of Brock Fleming, Katelyn Chatron, Alexis Reinders, and Parker Hamilton
Ongoing Event Fundraisers

Caps for the Cure is a fun and easy way to raise much needed funds and awareness for pediatric brain cancer research. We are asking schools across the country to help us in this battle by allowing their students to wear a hat for the day to show their support for pediatric brain cancer research. In exchange for their ability to wear a hat for the day, students will donate $1.00 to The Cure Starts Now

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of children fighting brain cancer? You and your local team can host a Gold Out Game! Your football, soccer, basketball, tennis, lacrosse, volleyball, cheer, cross country—just about any team can participate! It’s simple. You choose the easiest way to raise money and we can help support you.

There is nothing sweeter than helping kids battling cancer! Help 'bake' a difference and signup today!

Play. Stream. Fundraise for kids.
Make a difference and fund critical research while you livestream.
Together we can nerf cancer for good.