Melissa Fleming Director of Partnerships

Melissa Fleming, Director of Partnerships

What brought you to CSN?
My son, Brock, battled DIPG at 7 years old for 7 months in 2016. All Brock wanted was a cure, and I am determined to help make that happen for other kids. I see how the money is funding research and the support The Cure Starts Now provides a family during and after their child's battle. I want to be a part of this!

What I do at CSN
I partner with corporations that want to engage their employees or clients in raising money for The Cure Starts Now and creating awareness of pediatric brain cancer.

What I like most about my job
I like connecting with others that care about our kids. It is uplifting to see others prioritize our kids and want to be a part of change.

What moment have you cherished most at CSN?
I love attending the DIPG/DMG Symposium. It is amazing to have researchers and families in the same room collaborating. As a parent, we get to see their passion. As a researcher, they get to see we are fighting alongside them.

Many people would be surprised if they knew I…
I wanted to be a Police Officer when in High School and College. Instead, I married one.